A recent Press Release by the European Parliament highlights the groundbreaking decision of COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels and embrace renewables and energy efficiency. While avoiding stating ‘phase-out,’ it indicates a departure from fossil fuels, with expectations of increased stocks in renewables, energy efficiency, and even nuclear energy. Peter Liese, Chair of the European Parliament’s delegation, claimed the outcome as truly historic and commended the EU team, particularly Commissioner Hoekstra, for their role.

COP28 marks an important moment by addressing fossil fuels for the first time. The EU’s collaboration with developing nations played a crucial role in breaking barriers. The agreement emphasizes the need for immediate global action to curb emissions, with all nations mandated to update their national climate plans before the next COP. The European Parliament’s official delegation underscores the EU’s commitment to shaping a sustainable and climate-resilient future.

How is your organization preparing for a reduction in fossil fuels? What are your key concerns?

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